Akmoneia area [Nais] (Phrygia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 88 CE
IPhrygR 511
= PHI 271141
= AGRW ID# 5817
Nais was west of Akmoneia, about half-way to Philadelphia.
The Romans settled in Nais and the . . . dedicated this to emperor Domitian (erased) Caesar Augustus Germanicus, proclaimed emperor (imperator) for the fourteenth time, when Lucius Minucius Rufus was consul in year 172 (of the Sullan era) in the month of Panemos.
Translation by: HarlandΑὐτοκράτορι 〚Δομιτιανῷ 〛 | Καίσαρι Σεβαστῷ Γερμ|ανικῷ τὸ διʹ, Λουκίῳ Μινουκίῳ Ῥούφῳ ὑπ(άτοις), | ἔτους ροβʹ, μη(νὸς) Πανήμου, || οἱ ἐν Νάει κατοικοῦντες Ῥωμαῖοί τε κα̣ὶ [ξένοι(?)].
Item added: November 11, 2012
Item modified: December 4, 2015
ID number: 5817
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