Pessinous (Galatia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 180-200 CE
GRA 151 =
IPessinous 18
= CCCA I 60
= PHI 342628
= AGRW ID# 13529
Tiberius Claudius Deiotaros, Attis priest, son of Heras, of the Quirina tribe, ninth after the high–priest, fourth of the Galatians, twice high–priest of the Augusti (Sebastoi) of the Assembly of the Galatians, and revealer of the Augusti (sebastophantēs). The Attabokaians (Attabokaoi) who are fellow–initiates (synmystai) in the mysteries of the goddess honoured their own friend (10) and benefactor because of his virtue and goodwill towards them. Marcus Magios Neikephoros has supervised.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: June 14, 2013
Item modified: January 22, 2016
ID number: 13529
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