Tomis (Scythia and Moesia, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), II-III CE
ITomis 98
= RICIS 618/1007
= PHI 173197
= AGRW ID# 14635
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1202
Fragment of a slab of marble (23 x 20 cm). The mention of "sacred sailors" (hieronautai) and bearers of some sacred objects or shrines (pastophoroi) suggests a group devoted to the goddess Isis.
Too fragmentary to translate.
Translation by: Harland[— — —] φιλ[ον— —] | [— — Μενε(?)κ]ράτου[ς —] | [πατέρα π]αστοφόρω[ν σὺν] | γ̣υναῖκα δὲ α[ὐτοῦ ἱ]||ε̣ροναῦται ἀν̣[δριάσι(?)] | ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων [ἐτίμησαν] | [π]ρ̣οστατοῦντος [τοῦ κοινοῦ] | [Ἀρισ]τάρχου Ἰ[— — —] | [— — —]
Item added: February 26, 2015
Item modified: October 1, 2020
ID number: 14635
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