Thyatira (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), undated
TAM V 1003
= IGR IV 1255
= ILydiaKP II 57
= PHI 264434
= AGRW ID# 12992
Base of marble found in a private home in Akhisar (52 x 44 x 12 cm). In this fragmentary inscription, some institution or group honors a man who was priest of Artemis, civic ambassador to the emperor, and curator of the company (conventus) of Romans, likely a group of resident Roman businessmen (cf. TAM V 1002).
Too fragmentary to translate.
Translation by: Harland
ἱε̣[ρασάμενον Ἀρτέμιδος εὐσεβῶς καὶ] | ε[ὐσ]χημόνω[ς, ἀναστραφέντα ἐν ἀρ]|χαῖς δοκίμο[ις, πρεσβεύσαντα γʹ ἐν]|τῇ πόλει βασιλε[ίδι εὐτυχῶς καὶ φιλοτί]||μως, κουρατορεύσ[αντα κονβέντου Ῥω]|μαίων ἐπιμελῶς, Π[— — —], | ἀγορανομήσαντ[α ἑξάμηνον εὐτόνως] | καὶ πολυδαπάν[ως — — — ἀλεί]|ψαντα ἐκ τῶν ἰδί̣[ων — — — ἡμέ]||ραις τὴν πόλιν [— — —] | Ε[— —]Ι[— — —]
Item added: June 10, 2013
Item modified: December 4, 2015
ID number: 12992
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