Chios (Northern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), mid-I CE
IG XII,8 16
= Louis Robert, "Trois inscriptions de l’Archipel," REG (1929) 20–38, at 32
= PHI 246583
= AGRW ID# 10774
. . . Seuthos . . . and the workers (ergastai) . . . in the harbor (?) . . . crown Neileas adopted son of Neileas but natural son of Pamphilos, the commander of the fleet (nauarchēs), who is in charge of matters pertaining to the market (agora), and those who are in charge with him (synarchontas): his father, Pamphilos son of Pamphilos, . . . . (remaining names lost) . . . on account of . . . towards them.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: February 12, 2013
Item modified: January 22, 2016
ID number: 10774
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