Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Honors (frag.) by Twenty Associations for a Man (III BCE) Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands

Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), III BCE
IRhodPC 19 = ASAtene 2 (1916) 139 (no. 10) = PHI 189903 = AGRW ID# 15060
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2028


Block of marble (82 x 38 x 53 cm). This inscription is a dossier, catalogue, or compilation of a variety of honors granted to a man (in some cases along with his two sons) by twenty or more groups and associations. These include neighbourhood groups or districts; military or naval groups; occupational groups of performers; an association of fellow-students; associations devoted to the Muses, to Herakles, to Zeus Atabyris, and to Athena; and other groups who are named after their founders. Presumably, each of the honors mentioned had been previously granted on specific monuments set up by each of the groups. There are three types of honorary crowns here: gold, olive, and ivy.

. . . (missing lines) Name who has been honored by . . . group-name (?) and with gold crowns, along with his three sons; by the devotees of the Savior deity (Soteriastai) with ivy and gold crowns, along with his three sons; by the Pausistrateians with an olive crown; by the performers (technitai) who are gathered around Dionysos Musa. (Mousagetes [?]; “Leader of the Muses”) with a gold crown; by the military commanders (stratēgoi) who hold office together. . . with a gold crown (?); by the monthly leaders (hēgemones) who hold office together with a. . . gold crown (?); by the monthly leaders of the five (10) who hold office together with a gold crown; by the soldiers (stratiōtai) who follow them with a gold crown; by the Agetoreian soldiers (stratiōtai) with an olive crown and a gold crown; by the contributors (eranistai) of Lindian Athena-devotees (Athenaistai) with a gold crown; by the Nikaphorians with an ivy crown; by the Dionysians with a gold crown; by the Agetoreian devotees of the Muses (Mousaistai) with an ivy crown; by the Archineian Athena-devotees with an olive crown; by the members of the Pagkiadian brotherhood (patriōtai = p(h)atriōtai) with a gold crown; by the Herakleians, along with his sons, with three gold crowns; by the devotees of the Muses who are together with Name . . . ; by the deity of Atabyris (Atabyriastai; likely Zeus Atabyrios) with two gold crowns; by the Seleukeian devotees of the god of Paphos (Paphiastai; likely Aphrodite / Astarte) who are together with Pasikrates with an olive crown and a gold crown; by the Timokleian fellow-students (syscholastai) with a gold crown; by the Oibalidian district (diagonia) with an olive crown; by the Eudameian performers (technitai) gathered around Dionysos Mousagetes (“Leader of the Muses”) with a gold crown; by the Agetoreian leaders (hēgemones) with a gold crown; by the Euphranoreians (?) with two gold crowns; by the Agetoreian, Polystrateian performers (technitai) who are gathered around Dionysos and the Muses; by the Astymedeians who were fellow-soldiers with a gold crown; by the . . . district (diagonia). . . with a gold crown; by the Nikasoneian . . .  This was dedicated to the gods.

Translation by: Harland

[— — —] | [καὶ χ]ρυσ̣έοις μετ[ὰ τῶν υἱῶν τρισί] | [καὶ] ὑπὸ Σωτηριαστᾶν κισ[σίνοις] | [κ]αὶ χρυσέοις μετὰ τῶν υἱῶν τρι[σί] | [καὶ] ὑπὸ Παυσιστρα[τείω]ν θαλλίν[ωι] || [καὶ ὑπ]ὸ τεχνιτᾶν τῶν π[ερὶ τ]ὰς Διονύ[σου] | Μούσας χρυσέωι | [καὶ ὑπὸ] στραταγῶν [τ]ῶν σ̣υναρξάντων [χρυσέωι] | [καὶ ὑπὸ ἁγ]εμόνων τῶν μῆ̣ν̣[α] σ̣υναρξάντων χ[ρυσέωι] | [κα]ὶ ὑπ[ὸ] ἁγεμόνων τῶν πέντε μῆν[ας] || συναρξάντων [χ]ρυσέωι | [κ]αὶ ὑπὸ τῶν ἀκολο[υθ]η̣σ̣άντων στ̣[ρατιωτᾶν] | χρυ[σέωι] | καὶ ὑπὸ στρατιωτᾶν Ἁγητ̣ορείων | θαλλίνωι καὶ χ̣ρ̣υσέωι || [κ]αὶ ὑπὸ ἐρανιστᾶν Ἀθαναϊστᾶν | Λινδ̣[ι]α̣στ[ᾶ]ν χρυσέωι | καὶ ὑπὸ Νικαφόρω[ν] κ̣ι[σ]σίνω[ι] | καὶ ὑπὸ Διονυ[σιεί]ων χ̣[ρυσ]έωι | καὶ ὑπὸ Μουσα[ϊ]σ̣τᾶν Ἁγητορείων κ̣ι̣σ̣[σίνωι] || καὶ ὑπὸ Ἀθανα̣ϊστᾶν Ἀ̣ρ̣[χ]ιν̣ε̣ίων θαλ̣λ̣ίν<ωι> | καὶ ὑπὸ Παγκιαδᾶ̣ν̣ π̣α̣[τ]ρ̣[ι]ωτᾶν̣ χ̣ρυ[σέωι] | καὶ ὑπὸ Ἡρακλεωτᾶν μετὰ τῶν υἱῶν | χρυσέοις τρισί | καὶ ὑπὸ Μουσαϊστᾶν τῶ̣ν̣ σὺν [․․․․․․․] || καὶ ὑπὸ Ἀταβυ[ρι]ασ̣τᾶ̣ν χρυσέ[οις] δ̣υ̣[σί] | καὶ ὑπὸ Παφιαστᾶν Σελε̣υ̣κ̣[είων τῶν σὺ]ν̣ | Πασικράτει θαλλίνω[ι καὶ χρ]υσέω̣ι | καὶ ὑπὸ Τιμοκλε̣[ίων] σ[υ]σχολασ̣τᾶν χ̣ρυσ[έωι] | καὶ ὑπὸ Οἰβαλιδᾶν δ[ι]α̣γονίας θαλλίν[ωι] || καὶ ὑπὸ τῶν περὶ τὸν Δ̣ιόνυσον | τὸν Μουσαγέταν τεχνιτᾶν | Εὐδαμείων χρυσέωι | καὶ ὑπὸ ἁγεμόνων̣ Ἁγητορείων χρυσέω<ι> | [κ]αὶ ὑπὸ [Εὐφ]ρανορείων χρυσέοις δυ[σί] || [καὶ] ὑπὸ Ἁγητορείων Πολυστρατείων τῶν [π]ερ[ὶ] | Δ̣ιόνυσον καὶ τὰς Μούσας τεχνιτᾶν χρυ̣σ̣έ̣<ωι> | καὶ ὑπὸ Ἀστυμηδείων συσστρατευσάν[των] | χρυσέωι | [καὶ] ὑπὸ τᾶς διαγονίας τᾶ̣[ς ․․․․․․․․․․] || χρυσέω[ι] | [καὶ] ὑπὸ Νικασωνε̣[ίων ․․․․․․․․․․․․]. | θε[οῖς].

Item added: March 9, 2015
Item modified: February 23, 2021
ID number: 15060
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