Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), III BCE
IRhodPC 19
= ASAtene 2 (1916) 139 (no. 10)
= PHI 189903
= AGRW ID# 15060
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2028
. . . (missing lines) Name who has been honored by . . . group-name (?) and with gold crowns, along with his three sons; by the devotees of the Savior deity (Soteriastai) with ivy and gold crowns, along with his three sons; by the Pausistrateians with an olive crown; by the performers (technitai) who are gathered around Dionysos Musa. (Mousagetes [?]; “Leader of the Muses”) with a gold crown; by the military commanders (stratēgoi) who hold office together. . . with a gold crown (?); by the monthly leaders (hēgemones) who hold office together with a. . . gold crown (?); by the monthly leaders of the five (10) who hold office together with a gold crown; by the soldiers (stratiōtai) who follow them with a gold crown; by the Agetoreian soldiers (stratiōtai) with an olive crown and a gold crown; by the contributors (eranistai) of Lindian Athena-devotees (Athenaistai) with a gold crown; by the Nikaphorians with an ivy crown; by the Dionysians with a gold crown; by the Agetoreian devotees of the Muses (Mousaistai) with an ivy crown; by the Archineian Athena-devotees with an olive crown; by the members of the Pagkiadian brotherhood (patriōtai = p(h)atriōtai) with a gold crown; by the Herakleians, along with his sons, with three gold crowns; by the devotees of the Muses who are together with Name . . . ; by the deity of Atabyris (Atabyriastai; likely Zeus Atabyrios) with two gold crowns; by the Seleukeian devotees of the god of Paphos (Paphiastai; likely Aphrodite / Astarte) who are together with Pasikrates with an olive crown and a gold crown; by the Timokleian fellow-students (syscholastai) with a gold crown; by the Oibalidian district (diagonia) with an olive crown; by the Eudameian performers (technitai) gathered around Dionysos Mousagetes (“Leader of the Muses”) with a gold crown; by the Agetoreian leaders (hēgemones) with a gold crown; by the Euphranoreians (?) with two gold crowns; by the Agetoreian, Polystrateian performers (technitai) who are gathered around Dionysos and the Muses; by the Astymedeians who were fellow-soldiers with a gold crown; by the . . . district (diagonia). . . with a gold crown; by the Nikasoneian . . . This was dedicated to the gods.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: March 9, 2015
Item modified: February 23, 2021
ID number: 15060
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