Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), undated
IRhodPC 17
= PHI 189901
= AGRW ID# 15054
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2014
Fragment of a base of marble (61 x 52 x 60 cm). This extremely fragmentary inscription refers to a gold crown granted by a Polykleian association (koinon) in response to a man's or woman's virtue and love of glory.
Too fragmentary to translate.
Translation by: Harland[— — —] | [․․․․․․]ου̣․[— — —] | [․․ χ]ρ̣υσέω[ι] σ̣τ̣[εφ]ά̣[νωι ․․․․․․․] | [․․ ἀρ]ετᾶς ἕνεκα [καὶ εὐνοίας] | [καὶ] φ̣[ι]λ̣οδοξίας ἃν̣ [ἔχων διατε]||[λεῖ] εἰς τὸ Πολυκλείω̣[ν κοινόν]. | vac. [— — —]τ̣α․[— — —] | [ἐποίησ]ε.
Item added: March 9, 2015
Item modified: March 18, 2021
ID number: 15054
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