Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 51/50 BCE
IDelos 1702
= PHI 64142
= AGRW ID# 21215
Orthostat of white marble that formed part of an exedra (decorative bench) in the eastern part of the portico of Philip (74 x 49 x 40 cm; inv. Ε 232).
. . . The merchants (emporoi) (?) . . . and shippers (nauklēroi) who are settled on Delos . . . set this up for . . . Name . . . Appuleius son of Name . . ., legate. This was dedicated to Apollo.
Translation by: Harland[— —]ον Ἀ̣[π]πολήι̣[ον — — —] | [υἱὸ]ν π̣[ρε]σβευτὴ̣[ν οἱ ἔμ]|[πορ]οι καὶ [να]ύκλη[ροι] οἱ ἐν [Δή]|[λω]ι̣ κατ[οικοῦ]ντε[ς vac.? ] || Ἀπ[όλλ]ωνι.
Item added: January 5, 2016
Item modified: January 5, 2016
ID number: 21215
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