Neapolis (Campania, Italy — Pleiades map), I-III CE
INeapolis 45
= PHI 177657
= AGRW ID# 22238
Fragment of a block of marble. This very fragmentary inscription involves honors for a son of Gaius by members of a brotherhood (phrētores = phratores).
Too fragmentary to translate.
Translation by: Harland[․․․․․․․ca.18․․․․․․․]․․ΟΣ vac. ΕΣ[․․․․ca.12․․․․] | [․․․․․ca.14․․․․․]․ίου Γαίου υἱοῦ ․[․․․ca.10․․․] | [․․․․ca.13․․․․․]ς τοὺς φρήτορας Ε[․․․ca.10․․․] | [․․ca.8․․․]․ας ἀδιαλείπτου ἀρετῆς [καὶ εὐεργε]||[σίας ἕ]νεκεν vac. καὶ τοῦτον εἶναι ἱερ[έα διὰ βίου?] | [θεῶν φρ]ητρίων.
Item added: January 30, 2016
Item modified: January 30, 2016
ID number: 22238
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