Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), I CE
IRhodPC 14
= PHI 189898
= AGRW ID# 15042
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2081
Base of Lartian marble. Here an important civic benefactor is honored by the cities on Rhodes and by a group that is here called Eretheibiazontians (Eretheibiazontes), which is also found spelled Eretheimianzontians in some inscriptions. This group–which is either an association of devotees or a board of priests of Apollo Erethimios or Eretheibios or Erythibios, namely Apollo, Averter of Mildew (ἐρυθίβιος = ἐρυσίβιος; see Strabo, Geography 13.1.64)–is also attested in IG XII 1, 735 (time of Tiberius); Giulio Jacopi, "Il tempio e il teatro di Apollo Eretimio," Clara Rhodos 2 (1932) 77–116, at 104-105 (nos. 1-2; 57 BCE and 100-50 BCE); ILindos 384 (9 BCE), 282 (I BCE); and, IKamiros 87 (time of Augustus), 283 (80-100 CE). There was a temple for this Apollo at a site (sometimes called Theologos) on the northeastern coast of the island of Rhodes about half-way between Kamiros and Ialysos.
. . . (at least two lines). . . Name, who has also been honored by the Rhodians, Lindians, Ialysians (?). . . and Kameirians. . . and the Ialysian (?) . . . Eretheibiazontians (Eretheibiazontes). He (the honoree) has served as head of the gymnasium of the youths (neōteroi) and has made the payment for the oil from his own resources in the twelfth month; . . . he has served as priest (?). . . of Athena Lindia (“of Lindos”), Zeus Polieus (“of the City”), . . . and Artemis Kekoia (?); he has been ambassador many times . . . to Rome (?). . . to the emperors (Sebastoi), to other men, and to procurators, succeeding (?) with the Roman administration; and he was head of the sacred embassy for the Olympic games; he has engaged in banking; he has made voluntary contributions and very large advances of capital; . . . he has been honored (?) by Greek cities; he has been crowned . . . by the (?) . . . Council with gold crowns, . . . with statues (?). . ., and with silver busts . . . (remainder lost).
Translation by: Harland
[— — —]το̣[— — —] | [— — —]σα․[— — —] | [τειμαθέντ]α δὲ κ[αὶ ὑπὸ Ῥοδίων καὶ Λινδίων καὶ] | [Ἰαλυ]σ̣ίων καὶ Καμειρέ̣[ων καὶ Ἰαλυσίων τῶν] | [Ἐρε]θειβιαζόντων {Ἐρεθειμιαζόντων} καὶ γυμ̣[νασιαρχήσαντα] || [νεω]τ̣έρ̣ων̣ καὶ ποιησάμενον τ̣ὰ̣[ν θέσιν τοῦ ἐλαίου] | [ἐκ τ]ῶ̣[ν ἰ]δ̣[ί]ων ἐπὶ μῆνας δέκα δύο κ[αὶ ἰερατεύσαντα] | [Ἀθά]ν̣ας Λινδίας καὶ Διὸς Πολιέως κ[αὶ Ἀρτάμιτος] | [Κεκ]ο̣ίας καὶ πρεσβεύσαντα πλεονάκ̣[ις ἰς Ῥώμαν?] | [πο]τ̣ί [τ]ε τοὺς Σεβαστοὺς καὶ ποτὶ ἀνθ[υπάτους καὶ] || [ποτὶ ἐπι]τρόπους καὶ τυχόντα τᾶ[ς] Ῥωμα̣[ίων πολι]|[τεία]ς̣ κα̣[ὶ] γενόμενον ἀρχιθέωρον ἰς Ὀ[λυμπίαν] | [καὶ τ]ραπεζειτεύσαντα καὶ πο[ι]η̣σάμε̣[νον ἐπιδόσε]|[ις κ]αὶ προεισφορὰς μειζόνων κεφαλα̣[ίων καὶ τειμα]|[θέντα] ὑπὸ πολίων Ἑλ<λ>ανίδων καὶ στεφανω̣[θέντα ὑπὸ] || [τᾶν] βουλᾶν χρυσέοις στεφάνοις καὶ [ἀνδριάντων καὶ] | [πρ]οσώπων ἀργυρέων ἀναθέσε[σι ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․] | [․․․․]τ̣ο̣[․․․․․․․․]σ̣τρ̣[— — —] | [— — —]
Item added: March 9, 2015
Item modified: March 17, 2021
ID number: 15042
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