Rhodian Peraia [Idyma] (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 100-50 BCE
IRhodPerBlümel 604
= PHI 283091
= AGRW ID# 21054
Fragment of a round altar (55 cm high). This association was likely a group of devotees of a deity whose name is now missing. The group was likely founded by a man named Sosigenes.
On behalf of Athanagoras son of Myonides (?), Rhodian, the Sosigeneian association (koinon) of . . . the devotees of Deity (?) . . . set this up because of his benefaction to them. This was dedicated to the gods.
Translation by: Harlandὑπὲρ | Ἀθαναγόρα Μ[υωνίδευς?] | Ῥοδ̣ί[ο]υ̣ | τὸ κοινὸν τῶ[ν — — —] || Σωσιγενείω[ν] | ε̣ὐεργεσίας [ἕνεκεν τῆς] | εἰς αὐτούς· | θε[οῖς].
Item added: January 2, 2016
Item modified: January 21, 2020
ID number: 21054
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