Rhodian Peraia [Tymnos] (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 200-51 BCE
IRhodPerBlümel 204
= IRhodPerBresson 97
= PHI 282971
= AGRW ID# 15214
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2019
Fragment of a block of limestone, found reused in the Turkish school (15 x 48 cm). The honoree was from Patara, perhaps the harbor-town by that name in Lycia, near Xanthos (but there is at least one other known Patara in Pontus).
. . . Name from Patara, having been crowned by the devotees of Aphrodite (?; Aphrodisiastai) and the Savior deity (Soteriastai) with a crown of olive and with gold, . . . to Apollo Dalios.
Translation by: Harland[— — —ο]ς Πατ̣αρεὺς στεφανωθεὶ[ς] | [ὑπὸ Ἀφροδε]ισιαστᾶν Σωτηριαστᾶν | [θαλλοῦ στε]φάνωι καὶ [χ]ρυσέωι | [— —]ων Ἀπ[όλλω]νι Δαλίωι.
Item added: March 5, 2015
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 15214
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