Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), I BCE
IRhodPC 5
= PHI 189892
= AGRW ID# 14978
Fragment of a capital (16.5 x 19 x 16 cm). This extremely fragmentary inscription mentions an "association" (koinon) and a man from Kyzikos with the right of residency who was probably a benefactor of the group, perhaps in connection with a construction project.
Too fragmentary to translate.
Translation by: Harland[․․․․․․․․․ τ]ῶι κοινῶι̣ | [․․․․․․․․] ἀπόδειξιν | [ἐυ]νοίας | [εἰς τὰν κ]α̣τασκευὰν τᾶν [․․] | [․․․․․․] καὶ τῶν ὑπαμπέλω̣ν || [Νικασίω?]ν Κυζικηνὸς ᾧ ἁ ἐπι|[δαμί]α δέδοται κτίστας κα̣[ὶ] | [εὐερ]γέτας τ[οῦ κο]ιν[ο]ῦ | [— — —]
Item added: March 10, 2015
Item modified: March 10, 2015
ID number: 14978
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