Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 100 BCE
IRhodPC 6
= PHI 189891
= AGRW ID# 15021
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1921
Base of Lartian marble (59 x 62 x 53.5 cm). This inscription documents honors for a man (whose name is lost) by four different associations. The first group, which was founded by a man named Menekrates, was devoted to Saviour deities, Hephaistos, and Agathos Daimon. The second was devoted to Zeus Soter ("Savior") and likely founded by a man named Zenon (although the ending of the descriptive term is unusual in this regard). The third group seems to represent a merging of two different associations devoted to Aphrodite, one originally founded by Epitynchanos and the other founded by Menetos.
. . . Name . . . Herakleian, who has provided for the choruses (?). The association (koinon) of Menekrateian devotees of Aristoboulos, the Savior deity, Hephaistos (?), and Agathos Daimon (Aristobouliastai Soteriastai Hephaistiastai Agothodaimoniastai) who are with Menekrates honored him with four gold crowns, with two bronze images, with two titles of benefactor, and with proclamation of the honor in all the meetings (synodoi) for ever on account of his virtue, goodwill, and love of glory which he continues to have towards the association (koinon) of Menekrateian devotees of Aristoboulos, the Savior deity, Hephaistos (?), and Agathos Daimon who are with Menekrates. He has been honored by the devotees of Zeus Soter (Diossoteriastai) and Zenon (Zenoniastai; Zenon as a hero [?]) with a gold crown on account of his virtue, goodwill, and love of glory which he continues to have towards the association (koinon). He has been honored by the association (koinon) of Epitynchanonteian Aphrodite-devotees (Aphrodisiastai) and of Meneteian Aphrodite-devotees with a gold crown on account of his virtue, goodwill, and love of glory which he continues to have towards the association. He has been honored by the association (koinon) of devotees of Hermes, Athena, and Helios and his children (Hermaistai Athenaistai Haliadai Haliastai) . . . with an olive and gold crown . . . on account of his virtue (?) . . ., goodwill, and love of glory. . . which he continues to have towards the association (koinon) (?) . . . This is dedicated to the gods. . . . Name made this.
Translation by: Harland
[τὸν δεῖνα] Ἡρακλεώταν | [χορ]α̣γ̣ήσαντα | [․․․․․ τὸ Ἀριστο]βουλιαστᾶν Σωτηριαστᾶν | [Ἡφαιστιαστ]ᾶν̣ Ἀγαθοδαιμονιστᾶν | [Μενεκρατείω]ν τῶ̣ν̣ [σὺ]ν̣ Μενεκράτει κοινὸν || ἐ̣τ̣ί̣μ̣[ασ]ε̣ χρ̣υ̣σέ[οις στ]ε̣φάνοις τέσσαρσι | ἰκ̣όσι χαλκέαις δυσ̣[ὶ] ε̣[ὐ]ε̣ργεσίαι ἀναγορεύσει | τᾶν τιμᾶν ἐν πάσ̣[αι]ς̣ ταῖς συνόδοις εἰς τὸν ἀεὶ̣ χρόνον | [ἀ]ρ̣ετᾶς ἕνεκα κ̣[αὶ] ε̣ὐνοίας καὶ φιλο̣[δ]οξίας | ἃν ἔχω̣ν διατελε̣ῖ̣ εἰς τὸ Ἀρ̣[ισ]τ̣ο̣[β]ο̣υ̣λ[ι]α̣στᾶν || Σωτηριαστᾶν Ἡφαιστιαστᾶν̣ [Ἀγ]αθοδαιμονιστᾶν̣ | Μενεκρατείω̣ν̣ τῶ̣ν σὺν Μεν̣ε̣κράτει κοινό̣ν, | καὶ τ̣ιμαθέν[τ]α̣ ὑ̣πὸ̣ Διοσσωτηριαστ̣ᾶν Ζηνωνιαστᾶν | χρυσέωι στ̣ε̣φά̣ν̣ωι ἀρετᾶς ἕνεκα καὶ εὐνοίας κα[ὶ] | φιλοδοξίας̣ ἃν̣ ἔ̣χων διατελεῖ̣ εἰς τὸ κοινόν, || καὶ [τ]ιμαθέντα ὑπὸ Ἀφροδισιαστᾶν Ἐπιτυνχανον[τείων] | κ̣αὶ Ἀφροδισιαστᾶν Μενητείων κοινοῦ χρυσέω̣[ι] | στεφάνωι ἀρετᾶς ἕνεκα καὶ εὐν̣[οί]α̣ς καὶ φιλοδοξ[ίας] | ἃν ἔχων δ̣ι̣α̣τελεῖ εἰς τὸ κο̣ινόν, | [κ]αὶ̣ τιμαθέ̣[ντα ὑ]φ̣’ Ἑρμαϊσ̣τᾶν Ἀθανα[ϊ]σ̣τ̣ᾶ̣ν Ἁλι[αδᾶν] || Ἁλιαστᾶν̣ [․․․․․․․․]ν κοινοῦ θαλλοῦ̣ σ̣τ̣εφ̣άν[ωι καὶ] | χρυσ[έ]ω̣[ι ἀρετᾶς ἕνεκα κ]α̣ὶ εὐνοί̣α̣ς κ̣α̣ὶ φιλοδοξία̣[ς] | [ἃν ἔχων διατελ]ε̣ῖ̣ εἰς τ[ὸ κοινό]ν. vacat θε̣[οῖς]. | [ὁ δεῖνα τοῦ δεῖνος (ethnic) ἐποί]ησε.
Item added: March 10, 2015
Item modified: February 23, 2021
ID number: 15021
Short link address:
Category: 4) Greek Islands,
Agathos Daimon,
b) Southeastern islands (off Caria and Cilicia),
c) Deities or heroes,
d) 1st century BCE,
d) Group with a deity in its name (e.g. Demetriasts),
Honorary inscription,