Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Honors (frag.) by a Synod for the Roman Decimus (ca. 200 CE) Delos - Southwestern islands

Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 200 CE
IDelos 1523 = RICIS 202/0420 = PHI 63959 = AGRW ID# 21082
Copenhagen Inventory info: 897


Part of a slab broken in two (17 x 29 cm). Found in 1874 in the area of the Egyptian and Syrian temples, which may suggest a group of immigrants are involved here. In the Delos Museum in 1937 (inv. Δ 453). It is possible that the honoree here is to be identified with the donor Decimus Auilius attested in IDelos 2628, column 3, line 34 (which dates to 108/107 CE).

(missing lines) . . . Let the yearly appointed sacred officials (hieropoioi) (?) supply the oil and crown the portrait at the beginning of each month.  Let it be forbidden for any of the members of the synod (synoditai) to do anything contrary to the honors mentioned above.  But if anyone attempts to do so, he will be subject to the law of temple-robbery, and let that one pay 500 (?) drachmas and let it be permitted for the one who wishes to make a pledge.  Now the honors mentioned above and the kindly feelings towards Decimus Name. . . son of Marcus, Roman, are to exist for all time.  But in order that everyone may recognize the synod’s gratefulness and greatness . . . (missing words) . . . Decimus.  Also, let the secretary and (?) . . . inscribe this decree on a stone slab and let them set it up in the . . . temple alongside (?) . . . the portrait.

Translation by: Harland

{missing lines} [— — — γρ]αμματ[ — — —] | [— — —]ΛΙ․․․Α̣Ν ἵνα ΕΙ[— — — εὐ]|[σχ]η̣μόνως? [ἐπιμ]ελῆται τα [— — —]|λ̣ην κ․․․αι ο[ἱ καθε]σταμένοι ἱε[ροποιοὶ?] || κατ’ ἐν[ιαυτ]ὸν [ἕκ]αστον ἀλειφ[έτωσαν καὶ] | στεφαν[ού]τωσαν τὴν εἰκόνα κα[θ’ ἑκάστην] | νουμηνίαν· vac. μηθενὶ δὲ [ἐξέστω] | τῶν συνοδιτῶν ἐναντίον μηθὲ[ν πρᾶ]|ξαι ταῖς προγεγραμμέναις τιμαῖς· [ἐὰν δὲ πράσ]||σηι, [ἔ]νο[χο]ν αὐτὸν εἶναι τῆι ἱεροσυλ[ίαι] | καὶ π[ροσ]αποτεισάτω δραχμὰς πεντ[α]|κ[οσίας? καὶ ἐξέ]στω τῶι [β]ουλομένωι ἐνε[χυ]|[ράζειν <αὐτόν>· τὰς δ]ὲ προγεγραμμένας τιμὰς | καὶ φιλ[ανθρω]πίας ὑπάρχειν δι’ αἰῶνος || Δέκμ[ωι ․․]ιλίωι Μαάρκο[υ] Ῥωμαίωι· | ὅπως [δ’ ἂν π]άντες ἐπιγνῶσ[ιν] τὴν τῆς συνό|δου [εὐχαρισ]τίαν καὶ μεγαλομέρειαν ․․․․ | [— — —] Δέκμος καὶ [ὁ γρα]μματεὺ{ι}ς {[γρα]μματεὺς} | ․․․․κ̣[․․ ἀνα]γ[ρ]αψάτ[ω]σαν τό[δε τὸ ψ]ήφισμα εἰς || [σ]τήλην [λιθί]νην καὶ ἀναθε[σάτωσαν] ἐν τῶι | [ἱερῶι? παρὰ τ]ὴν εἰκόνα.

Item added: January 4, 2016
Item modified: December 18, 2020
ID number: 21082
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