Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 98-117 CE
IDelos 1522
= PHI 63958
= AGRW ID# 21076
Copenhagen Inventory info: 896
. . . (opening lines outlining the contributions of the benefactors are too fragmentary to translate) . . . (resolution beginning at line 12) The synod (synodos). . . resolved (?) . . . to crown Titus Flavius Demetrios son Sopatros of Quirina tribe (i.e. a tribe at Rome), who increased the revenues of the god. The synod . . . also resolved (?) . . . to crown Theano daughter of Sopatros from Melite subdivision, who increased the revenues. . . of the god (?). . . The public proclamation is to be taken care of by the yearly overseer (episkopos), paying 100 Attic drachmas sacred to Dionysos, and everyone among the society-members (thiasitai) who does the announcement is to recover one third of this fee. (20) Also, a copy of this decree is to be transmitted to the secretary of the Council and deposited into the archives. This is to be inscribed on a slab which is to be placed on the floor of the temple (hieron).
Translation by: HarlandItem added: January 3, 2016
Item modified: December 18, 2020
ID number: 21076
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