Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Honors for Antipatros Mentioning Dionysiac Mysteries (ca. 100 CE) Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands

Lindos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 100 CE
ILindos 449 = C.P. Jones, "A Forgotten Sophist," CQ 57 (2007) 328-31 = PHI 191176 = AGRW ID# 14999


Statue base of Lartian marble consisting of two rectangular blocks (A: 24 x 80 cm; B: 52 x 79.4-81 x 37 cm). Here the Lindians honor an important civic benefactor and cultic official (perhaps posthumously), making mention of his role as priest in the mysteries of the god Dionysos. It is not clear whether these mysteries were officially sponsored by the civic institutions or whether there was an ongoing association of initiates in these mysteries, but the latter is a good possibility.

The Lindians and the civic inspectors (mastroi; roughly the equivalent of councillors) honored Tiberius Claudius Antipatros son of Mnasagoras of Pagios subdivision, the priest of Athena Lindia (“of Lindos”), Zeus Polieus (“of the City”) and Artemis Kekoia, who has commanded vessels with three sets of oars (triremes); has been priest of the emperors; has served as head of the gymnasium, making the payment for the monthly oil thirteen times; has been director of contests of the sacred contest in honor of Helios; and, has been treasurer, president, and ambassador.  He has been honored three times by the People of Rhodos and of Lindos, having provided money advances and voluntary contributions frequently, having paid for the chorus twice, having been purchaser of sacrifices, having been priest of the mysteries (mystēria) of Bacchos Dionysos, having repaired the temple of Asklepios in the city (probably Rhodos) from his own resources with his son Claudius Diokleidas after it had been ruined in the earthquake, having engaged in the life of the city in a most advantageous manner for the homeland, and also having been distinguished among the Greeks for his education (paideia), the sophist and. . . and priest of Sarapis.

Translation by: Harland

Λίνδιοι καὶ οἱ μασ[τρ]οὶ | Τιβέριον Κλαύδιον Ἀντίπατρον | [Μνασ]αγόρα Πάγιον τὸν ἰερέα τᾶς Λ[ινδίας] | [Ἀθά]νας καὶ τοῦ Διὸς τοῦ Πολιέως κα[ὶ Ἀρτά]|[μι]τος Κεκοίας, τριηραρχήσαντα, ἰερατεύσα[ντα] || τ̣ῶν Αὐτοκρατόρων, γυμνασιαρχήσαντα, ποιη[σάμε]|νον τὰν θέσιν τοῦ ἐλαίου ἐπὶ μῆνας δεκατρεῖς, ἀ[γω]|νοθετήσαντα τοῦ ἰεροῦ τῶν Ἁλείων ἀγῶνος, ταμ[ι]|εύσαντα, πρυτανεύσαντα καὶ πρεσβεύσαντα, τειμα|θέντα τρὶς ὑπὸ τοῦ δάμου τοῦ Ῥοδίων καὶ τοῦ Λινδίων, || ἐν προεισφοραῖς καὶ ἐπιδόσεσιν π<λ>είοσιν γενόμενον, | χοραγήσαντα δίς, ἰερωνήσαντα, ἰερατεύσαντα τῶν | μυστηρίων τοῦ Βάκχου Διονύσου, κατασκευάσαν|τα ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων τὸ ἰερὸν τοῦ Ἀσκλαπιοῦ ἐν τᾷ πόλε[ι] | μετὰ τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ Κλαυδίου Διοκλείδα κατερε[ι]||φθὲν ἐν τῷ σεισμῷ, καὶ πολειτευσάμενον τ[ὰ] | συμφορώτατα τᾷ πατρίδι, διενένκαντα δὲ κ[αὶ] | ἐν παιδείᾳ τῶν Ἑλλάνων, τὸν σοφιστ[ὰν] | καὶ [— — —]ον κ[— — —]ον καὶ ἰερέα Σεράπιδο[ς].

Item added: March 10, 2015
Item modified: March 13, 2015
ID number: 14999
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