Kibyra (Lycia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), I BCE-I CE
IKibyra 54
= PHI 341138
= AGRW ID# 9679
Round altar of limestone from the cemetery in Chorzum (102 x 60 cm).
The People and the Romans engaged in business (pragmateuomenoi) here crowned Mas (?) son of Aristophanes . . . of his and . . .
Translation by: Harlandὁ δῆμ̣ος καὶ οἱ πρα|γ̣ματε̣υ̣όμενοι ἐν|τ̣[α]ῦ̣[θ]α Ῥωμα̣ῖοι ἐστεφά̣νω|σα̣ν Μα̣ν(?) Ἀ[ρισ]τοφ̣ά||νους ΠΙ․[— — —]Ι | ΤΗ αὐτῆς [κ]αὶ ΠΟ | vac.
Item added: January 15, 2013
Item modified: January 20, 2013
ID number: 9679
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