Mytilene on Lesbos (Northern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 200 CE
IG XII,2 255
= R. W. Parker, "Potamon of Mytilene and His Family," ZPE 85 (1991) 128-129
= PHI 74924
= AGRW ID# 17758
The Council and the People honored Aurelia Artemisia . . . daughter of just Eutychos, the eloquent female president (prytanis) and benefactor, priestess of the goddess Etephila and Karissa, water-bearer (ersophoros) of the most holy mysteries (mystēria), descendant of Potamon the legal expert, who was himself the son of Lesbonax the philosopher, benefactors, on account of every virtue. The honors were set up by the sacred Council, being supervised by the secretary himself, Aurelius Proklos son of Justus.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: November 9, 2015
Item modified: November 25, 2015
ID number: 17758
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