Thessalonike (Macedonia, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), III CE
IG X,2.1 220
= RICIS 113/0576
= SIRIS 110
= PHI 137402
= AGRW ID# 23825
Base of white marble. Now in the museum at Thessaloniki (inv. ΜΘ 1790). The god Hermanubis is a combination of Hermes and the Egyptian deity Anubis.
This was set up in honor of Pomponius Helenos and Cassius, leaders (prostates; or: patrons) of the worshippers (thrēskeutai) and precinct-initiates (sēkobatai) of the god Hermanubis. Claudius Auximos who is also known as the Pierian did this as an honor for his father, Claudius Gaius, for the sake of honor when Marcus Aurelius Justus was the chief temple-warden (archinakoros).
Translation by: Harland[Π]ο̣νπώνιον Ἕλενον κὲ Κάσσιον | [π]ρ̣οστάτες θρησκευτῶν καὶ τῶν σηκοβατῶν | θ̣εοῦ Ἑρμανούβιδος Κλαύδιον Αὔξιμον | τὸν καὶ Πιέριν τὴ<ν> πρὸς τὸν 〚π̣α̣τ̣[έ]ρ̣α̣〛 || πατέρα τειμὴν Κλαύδιον Γάϊον τειμῆς χάρι̣ν̣ | ἀρχινακοροῦντος Μάρ(κου) Αὐρ(ηλίου) Ἰούστου.
Item added: April 1, 2016
Item modified: April 16, 2016
ID number: 23825
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