Philippi (Macedonia, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), ca. 250 CE
RICIS 113/1010
= P. Lemerle, "Inscriptions latines et grecques de Philippes (suite)," BCH 59 (1935) 126-164, at 141-142 (no. 41)
= SIRIS 124
= PHI 150511
= AGRW ID# 23831
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1760
Slab found reused in a pillar of the Christian church near the forum.
The worshippers (thrēskeutai) honored their own contest-director (agōnothetēs) of the great Asklepios competitions, Quintus Flavius Hermadion son of Quintus Flavius Hermadion–the greatest leader of the gymnasium and high-priest.
Translation by: HarlandΚο(ίντον) Φλάβιον Ἑρ|μαδίωνα υἱὸν | Κο(ίντου) Φλαβίου | Ἑρμαδίωνος | τοῦ κρα(τίστου) γυμνα|σιάρχου κα<ὶ> | ἀρχιερέως | οἱ θρησκευ|τὲ τὸν ἴδιον || ἀγωνοθέτην | τῶν μεγάλων | Ἀσκληπείων.
Item added: April 1, 2016
Item modified: September 6, 2020
ID number: 23831
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