Delos (Southwestern islands, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 145-116 BCE
IDelos 1529
= PHI 63965
= AGRW ID# 7316
Copenhagen Inventory info: 894
Statue base.
The synod (synodos) (?) . . . of the elder warehousemen (egdocheis) of Alexandria . . . honored . . . the relative (?) of King Ptolemy, his sister Queen Cleopatra, and his wife Queen Cleopatra (?) . . . because of the goodwill shown towards the synod. Dedicated to . . . Apollo (?) . . . Artemis and Leto.
Translation by: Harland[— — — συγγενῆ? βασιλέ]ων | [Πτολεμαίων? καὶ βασι]λίσσης | [Κλεοπάτρας τῆς ἀδελφ]ῆς καὶ | [βασιλίσσης Κλεοπ]ά̣τρας τῆς || [γυναικὸς ἡ σύνοδ]ος τῶν ἐν Ἀλε|[ξανδρείαι πρεσ]β̣υτέρων ἐγδοχέων | [εὐνοίας ἕν]εκεν τῆς εἰς ἑαυτὴν | [Ἀπόλλ]ω̣νι, Ἀρτέμιδι, Λητοῖ.
Item added: December 7, 2012
Item modified: November 14, 2020
ID number: 7316
Short link address:
Category: a) Southwestern islands (off Attica), Apollo, Artemis, c) 2nd century BCE, c) Ethnic / immigrant association, Dedication inscription, f) Occupational guild (excluding those below), Honorary inscription, i) Images of monuments or buildings, Leto, Royal or Imperial official or king / emperor