Neapolis (Campania, Italy — Pleiades map), ca. 110 CE
AGRW 312 =
INeapolis 51
= IG XIV 747
= CIG 5804
= PHI 177663
= AGRW ID# 22251
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1097
To good fortune. The emperor-loving and Roman-loving travelling pious . . . synod (synodos) (?) . . . of Alexandrians honored Titus Flavius Archibios of Quirina tribe, the . . . Alexandrian, high-priest for life of the whole athletic meeting, and incredible victor. At the 220th and 221st Olympic competitions, he won for men’s kick-boxing (pankration). At the Capitoline competitions in Rome, he was crowned for youths’ (beardless’) kick-boxing in the third great quinquennial competitions, he won four times for men’s kick-boxing, and he was crowned five times for men’s kick-boxing . . . (missing words). . . . He received the victor’s crown in:
- the Herakles competitions for the triumph of emperor Nerva Trajan Caesar Augustus, who was victorious in Germany and Dacia, for men’s kick-boxing;
- the Pythian competitions for youths’ kick-boxing, in the sixth pythiad for men’s wrestling and kick-boxing, and in the sixth pythiad for men’s kick-boxing as first among the men;
- the Nemeian competitions for boys’ . . . kick-boxing (?) . . ., three times for men’s kick-boxing as first among the men in the subsequent competitions . . . (two or three missing words) . . ., and for men’s kick-boxing in the subsequent competitions;
- the Actian competitions for youths’ wrestling and kick-boxing and for men’s kick-boxing as first among the men in the subsequent competitions;
- the Neapolitan competitions for . . . youths’ (?) . . . kick-boxing, twice for men’s wrestling and kick-boxing in the subsequent competitions, and for men’s kick-boxing as first among the men in the subsequent competitions;
- the Balbileian competitions in Ephesos for . . . men’s wrestling. . ., boxing and kick-boxing as first among the men;
- the sacred quinquennial Actian . . . competitions (?) . . . in Antioch for boys’ kick-boxing, for youths’ . . . wrestling and boxing (?) in the subsequent quinquennial competitions , . . . for men’s kick-boxing in the subsequent competitions, and likewise for men’s . . . kick-boxing (?) . . . as first among the men in further subsequent competitions;
- the League of Asia’s competitions at Smyrna for youths’ wrestling . . . and kick-boxing (?);
- the sacred quinquennial Actian competitions in Alexandria for . . . boys’ kick-boxing, for men’s kick-boxing after one quinquennial period, likewise for men’s kick-boxing in the subsequent competitions, for men’s wrestling and kick-boxing as first among the men in the subsequent competitions;
- the Argos competitions from which he gained the shield;
- and, other of the greatest quinquennial . . . competitions (?) . . . for boys, youths, and men in wrestling and kick-boxing.
Item added: January 30, 2016
Item modified: June 1, 2021
ID number: 22251
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