Byzantion (Thrace, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), 112-116 CE
IByzantion 35
= SEG 18 (1962), no. 281
= PHI 170876
= AGRW ID# 13962
Copenhagen Inventory info: 315
When the goddess Nike was official of the sacred (i.e. eponymous official of Byzantion) for the fourth time and Publius Memmius Plautianos Matrodoros was her (i.e. Nike’s) sacrificing official, the initiates (mystai) of Dionysos Kallon honored their contest-director and gymnasium-director, Diodoros son of Quintus and his wife Stallia Prima, who was contest-director and gymnasium-director in an extravagant and noble manner. This was done for the sake of honor.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: July 2, 2013
Item modified: September 26, 2020
ID number: 13962
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