Athens area [Acharnai] (Attica, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), ca. 150 CE
GRA I 54 =
IG II² 2960
= PHI 5217
= AGRW ID# 3973
Copenhagen Inventory info: 325
Tablet of Pentelic marble, broken on both sides, discovered at Menidi (Archarnai), north of Athens (46 x 32.5 x 24.5 cm; letter height: 1.7 cm).
His father and mother and Hagne daughter of Neikon of the Marathon subdivision (deme), along with the association (koinon) of Asklepios-devotees (Asklepiastai), honored Antiochos son of Menandros, of the Melite subdivision (deme), the head of the contributors (archeranistēs) of the Asklepios-devotees.
Translation by: Kloppenborg[Ἀ]ντίοχον Μενάν[δρου] | Μελιτέα | [τὸ]ν ἀρ[χ]ερανιστὴ[ν] | [τῶν Ἀ]σκλη[πι]αστ[ῶν] || ὁ π[ατ]ὴρ αὐ[τ]οῦ κα[ὶ] | [ἡ] μήτ[ηρ] Ἅγν̣[η] Νείκ̣[ω]|[νο]ς Μαραθωνίου θ[υ]|[γά]τηρ σὺν τῶι κοινῶ[ι] | [τῶν] Ἀσκληπιαστῶ[ν]. || vac.
Item added: October 15, 2012
Item modified: April 2, 2020
ID number: 3973
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