Ialysos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), undated
IRhodPC 15
= PHI 189899
= AGRW ID# 15048
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2023
Statue (?) base from Ialysos (?) found in excavation around the Palazzo del Gran Maestro. The association is most likely named after its founder, a man named Aristanax. The reference to the "Achaian city" suggests that Ialysos is in mind (cf. ILindos 441). The name of the honoree likely appeared on some other part of the base that is now missing.
The association of Aristanakteians set this up for Namewho has served as priest of Zeus Polieus and Athena Polis in the Achaian city. This is dedicated to the gods. Aristonidas, Selgian, made this.
Translation by: Harlandἰερατεύσαντα ἐν Ἀχαίαι πόλει Διὸς Πολιέως καὶ Ἀθάνας Πολ[ι]άδος | τὸ κοινὸν τὸ Ἀριστανακτείων. θεοῖς. | Ἀριστωνίδας Σελγεὺς ἐποίησε.
Item added: March 9, 2015
Item modified: February 12, 2021
ID number: 15048
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