Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Honors by Samothraciasts for Apollodotos (116-80 BCE) Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands

Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 116-80 BCE
Erhard Grzybek, "Rhodische Inschriften," ZPE 165 (2008) 67–83, at 67-72 (no. 1) = SEG 58 (2008), no. 817 (column 3) = AGRW ID# 17328


Part of a statue base of grey marble holding three (?) statues, found in 1982 15 km from Rhodos on the road to Lindos (106 x 34-36 x 63-65 cm). Apollodotos' father, Polykrates, is apparently attested in another inscription (published by Grzybek, p. 72) which shows that Polykrates (the father) was a naval commander.

Apollodotos son of Polykrates and adopted son of Sosistratos.  The association (koinon) of Ptolemaieian, Kleopatreian, Berenikeian devotees of the Samothracian deities of those who have been initiated together (synmyēthentes) with Andronikos, the leader (archōn), honored him (Apollodotos) with a commendation, a gold crown, and a bronze image on account of the virtue, goodwill, and love of glory which he continues to demonstrate in relation to the association of Ptolemaieian, Kleopatreian, Berenikeian devotees of the Samothracian deities of those who have been initiated together (synmyēthentes) with Andronikos.

Translation by: Harland

Ἀπολλόδοτον Πολυκράτευς | καθ᾿ ὑοθεσίαν δὲ Σωσιστράτου | τὸ κοινὸν τὸ Σαμοθραικιαστᾶν Πτολεμαιείων | Κλευπατρείων Βερενικείων τῶν συνμυηθέντων || μετὰ ἄρχοντος Ἀνδρονίκου | ἐτίμασε ἐπαίνωι χρυσέωι στεφάνωι | εἰκόνι χαλκέαι | ἀρετᾶς ἕνεκα καὶ εὐνοίας καὶ φιλοδοξίας | ἃν ἔχων διατελεῖ εἰς τὸ Σαμοθραικιαστᾶν || Πτολεμαιείων Κλευπατρείων Βερενικείων | τῶν συνμυηθέντων μετὰ ἄρχοντος | Ἀνδρονίκου κοινόν.

Item added: March 17, 2015
Item modified: February 27, 2016
ID number: 17328
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