Athens (Attica, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), III-II BCE
IG II² 2947
= PHI 5205
= AGRW ID# 23135
Copenhagen Inventory info: 244
Cf. Ferguson 1944, 94-95 (no. 12).
The sacrificing associates (orgeōnes) crown Asklapon son of Asklapon from Maroneia.
Translation by: Harlandστεφανοῦσιν vac. | οἱ ὀργεῶνες | Ἀσκλάπωνα | Ἀσκλάπωνος || Μαρωνίτην. | vac.
Item added: February 24, 2016
Item modified: April 2, 2020
ID number: 23135
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