Tralles (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), II CE
ITrall 77
= CIG 2930
= PHI 262944
= AGRW ID# 13177
The Council, the People, the sacred (?) . . . committee (systēma) of the elders’ organization (gerousia), the emperor-loving young men (neoi), and the Romans (Rōmaioi) in Tralles honored Tiberius Claudius Pannychos Eutychos Koibilos, who has served as commander of the night-watch, as a member of the civic board of ten, and as treasurer. He has lent money, acted as curator of the Romans, and managed the grain from Egypt as well as doing further work for the grain-supply and giving 2520 denarii towards the funds of the People. He has been temple-warden (neōpoios), commander, and overseer of the market in an honor-loving manner. Furthermore, he has dedicated twelve marble tables with twelve bases in the fish-market (opsariopōlis) from his own resources. Publius Titius Mevianus Kilon honored his own friend.
Translation by: Harland
Item added: June 5, 2013
Item modified: December 10, 2015
ID number: 13177
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