Apameia Kelainai (Phrygia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), ca. 160 CE
MAMA VI 180 = George Doublet and V. Bérard, "Inscriptions de Dinair," BCH 17 (1893) 308-313 (no. 6)
= IPhrygR 296-297
= IGR IV 788-789
= AGRW ID# 5997
Copenhagen Inventory info: 458
(A) The Council, the People (dēmos), and the Roman settlers honoured Tiberius Claudius Piso Mithridatianos son of Tiberius Claudius Mithridates of the Quirina tribe, priest for life of Zeus of Kelainai, who served as head of the gymnasium during the time of the provincial imperial court session (i.e. the assize), served as market–overseer during the time of the provincial imperial court session, served as head of the youths (ephēboi), and undertook leadership of the gymnasium on behalf of his son Claudius Granianus from his own resources. He donated 15,000 denarii to the city, the income usually provided by the city to the head of gymnasium. (10) He also supplied the oil for the first six months of the year during the provincial imperial court session and, just as the city requested, he has given 19000 denarii for the remaining six months, with the result that, having added this income to the 15000 denarii, interest was saved at the rate of 1 drachma per 100 denarii per month (i.e. 12 drachmas per year) to put towards the deficit overseen by the civic commissioners (curators) each year. The result was that there was no longer a need for the commissioners for the rest of the year, just as the city had resolved. Those from Thermaia street (plateia) arranged for the erection of this monument (20) from their own resources.
(B) The Council, the People (dēmos), and the Roman settlers honoured Tiberius Claudius Granianus son of Tiberius Claudius Piso Mithridatianos of the Quirina tribe, who served as head of the gymnasium during the time of the provincial imperial court session, giving 15000 denarii from his own resources for the most revered homeland without using any of (30) the People’s resources. Those from Thermaia street arranged for the erection of this monument from their own resources. Marcus Viccius son of Marcus, Damas Abaskantos, and Tryphon Alexandros supervised the arrangements for the statues.
Translation by: Harland(side A)
ἡ βουλή καὶ ὁ δήμος καὶ oἱ κατοικοῦντες Ῥωμαῖοι ǀ ἐτείμησαν Τιβέριον Κλαύδιον Τιβέριου Κλαύδιου Μιǀθριδάτου υἱὸν Κυρείνᾳ Πείσωνα Μιθριδατιανόν, ἱερέα ǀ διὰ βίου Διός Κελαινέως, γυμνασιαρχήσαντα δι᾿ ἀγοǀǀραίας καὶ ἀγορανομήσαντα δι᾿ ἀγοραίας, καὶ ἐφηβαρχήσαντα, ǀ καὶ ὑποσχόμενον ὑπὲρ Κλαυδίου Γραν{ν}ιανοῦ τοῦ υἱοῦ ǀ γυμνασιαρχίαν δι᾿ ἀγοραίας ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων, καὶ χαρισάμενον ǀ τῇ πόλει τὸν ἐξ ἔθους διδόμενον ὑπ᾿ αὐτῆς τῷ γυμναǀσιαρχοῦντι πόρον δηνάρια μύρια πεντακισχείλια καὶ τῇ μὲν ǀǀ πρώτῃ ἑξαμήνῳ, ἐν ᾗ καὶ ἡ ἁγοραῖος ἤχθη, θέντα τὸ ǀ ἔλαιον, ὑπὲρ δὲ τῶν λοιπῶν μηνῶν ἕξ δεδοκότα, ǀ καθὼς ἡ πόλις ἠξίωσεν, δηνάρια μύρια ἐνακισχείǀλια, ὥστε προστεθέντα καὶ τοῦτον τὸν πόρον ǀ τοῖς μυρίοις πεντακισχειλίοις δηναρίοις σώζειν ǀǀ τόκον δραχμιαῖον εἰς τὸ τῶν κουρατόρων ἐπιǀζήμιον, τὸ κατὰ ἔτος ὑπ᾿ αὐτῶν διδόμενον, ὥσǀτε τοῦ λοιποῦ χρόνου μηκέτι εἷναι κουράτοǀρας, καθὼς ἡ πόλις ἐψηφίσατο, δι᾿ ὅλου ǀ τοῦ αἰῶνος· τὴν ἀνάστασιν ποιησαμένων ǀǀ ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων τῶν ἐν τῇ θερμαίᾳ πλατείᾳ.
(side B)
ἡ βουλὴ και ὁ δήμος καὶ oἱ καǀτοικοῦντες Ῥωμαῖοι ἐτείμηǀσαν Τιβέριον Κλαύδιον Τιǀβερίου Κλαυδίου Πείσωνος ǀǀ Μιθριδατιανοῦ υἱὸν Κυρείǀvᾳ Γρανιανὸν γυμνασιαρǀχοῦντα δι᾿ ἀγοραίας ἐκ τῶν ǀ ἰδίων τῇ σεμνοτάτῃ πατρίδι ǀ δίχα τοῦ πόρου τοῦ ἐκ τοῦ δηǀǀμοσίου διδομένου δηναρίǀων μυρίων πεντακισχειǀλίων· τὴν ἀνάστασιν ǀ ποιησαμένων ἐκ τῶν ἰǀδίων τῶν ἐν τῇ θερμαίᾳ ǀǀ πλατείᾳ
Item added: November 21, 2012
Item modified: October 18, 2020
ID number: 5997
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