Kos (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 44 BCE
IG XII,4.2 1026
= IKosS EV 23
= A. Degrassi, "Inscrizioni latine inedite di Coo," Clara Rhodos 10 (1941) 203 (no. 1)
= PHI 185857
= AGRW ID# 17862
Base of white marble, composed of two contiguous fragments (32 x 37 x 42 cm; letter height: 2.8-3.0 cm).
Roman citizens who are engaged in business (negotiantur) on Kos set this up for the Koan . . . citizens (?) . . . for the sake of piety in the time of . . . Gaius Julius Caesar (?). . . high-priest, father of the fatherland and god, and for the sake of showing goodwill towards him.
Translation by: Harland[c(ives) R(omani) qui C]oi negotiantur | [civitatem] Coam pietatis in | [C(aium) Iulium Cae]ṣạrem ponti|[ficem maxim]ụṃ [pa]ṭṛẹṃ [pa]||[triae deum]que et benevol|[entiae erga] ṣẹ c̣ạụṣṣa.
Item added: January 16, 2016
Item modified: January 16, 2016
ID number: 17862
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