Anazarbos (Cilicia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 136 CE
AGRW 210 =
IAnazarbos 3
= E. L. Hicks, “Inscriptions from Eastern Cilicia,” JHS 11 (1890) 236-254, at 240-241 (no. 8)
= IGR III 896 = Waltzing, no. 96
= PHI 311573
= AGRW ID# 13369
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1011
Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus, son of god Trajan–victorious in Parthia–and grandson of god Nerva, greatest high-priest, with tribunician power for the twentieth time, proclaimed emperor (imperator) for the second time, consul for the third time, father of the fatherland, and benefactor (10) of the world. The guild (syntechnia) of linen-workers (linourgoi) set this up.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: June 19, 2013
Item modified: November 13, 2020
ID number: 13369
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