Thyatira (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 220 CE
TAM V 986
= CIG 3499
= IGR IV 1216
= PHI 264416
= AGRW ID# 12990
Copenhagen Inventory info: 384
Base (?) found in Akhisar.
The tanners (byrseis) honoured M. Gnaius Licinius Rufinus, most brilliant man of consular rank, friend of Augustus, founder and benefactor of the homeland.
Translation by: HarlandΜ. Γναῖον Λικίνιον ǀ Ῥουφῖνον, τὸν λαμπρότατον ǀ ὑπατικόν, φίλον τοῦ ǀ Σεβαστοῦ, κτίστην ǀǀ κ(αὶ) εὐεργέτην τῆς ǀ πατρίδος, ǀ οἱ βυρσεῖς.
Item added: June 10, 2013
Item modified: October 18, 2020
ID number: 12990
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