Thyatira (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), Late I CE
AGRW 131 =
TAM V 1002
= IGR IV 1169
= PHI 264433
= AGRW ID# 243
Copenhagen Inventory info: 389
The leather–cutters (skytotomoi) honored T. Flavius Alexandros son of Metrophanes of the tribe of Quirina, who was market–overseer in a vigorous and extravagant manner for six months, superintendent (curator) of the company (conventus) of Romans, ambassador to the emperor in Rome three times, (10) advocate in the laborious cases concerning the … Attaleians (?) . . at his own expense, and priest of Artemis in a manner displaying piety and love of honor. This was set up on behalf of Flavia Alexandra and Flavia Glykinna, his daughters.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: November 14, 2011
Item modified: October 18, 2020
ID number: 243
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