Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 105 BCE
IDelos 1689
= PHI 64128
= AGRW ID# 21190
Bench found on the west side of the Agora of the Italians (inv. Ε 100). Midas Herakleios son of Zenon is also attested in IDelos 1854, where he honors his "friend" Gaius Billienus, proconsul of Asia, with a statue.
Midas Herakleios son of Zenon . . . dedicated this for (?) . . . and for the Italians (Italikoi).
Translation by: HarlandΜίδας Ζήνω[νος] Ἡ̣ράκλε[ιος — — καὶ] Ἰταλικοῖς.
Item added: January 5, 2016
Item modified: January 5, 2016
ID number: 21190
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