Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 99 BCE
IDelos 1699
= IDelosChoix 107
= C. Picard, "Le sculpteur Agasias d’Éphèse à Délos," BCH 34 (1910) 538–548, at 539-541 (no.4 and figure 4)
= PHI 64139
= AGRW ID# 21211
(Latin) The Italians who have lived alongside the Alexandrians set this up for . . . C. Marius (?). . ., legate, because of his . . . virtue (?) . . . and benefaction.
(Greek) Agasias son of Menophilos the Ephesian made this. The Italians who . . . lived alongside the Alexandrians. . . set this up for . . . Gaius Marius, legate, because of his virtue and benefaction.
Translation by: Harland
Photo of IDelos 1669 from C. Picard, “Le sculpteur Agasias d’Éphèse à Délos,” BCH 34 (1910) 541 (figure 4). Public domain.
Item added: January 5, 2016
Item modified: January 5, 2016
ID number: 21211
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