Ephesos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 36 BCE
Dieter Knibbe, Helmut Engelmann, and Bülent İplikçioğlu, "Neue Inschriften Aus Ephesos XI." JÖAI 59 (1989) 164–238 (Beiblatt), at 235-236 (no. B 2)
= IEph 658 (incomplete reading)
= PHI 256057
= AGRW ID# 10143
Slab with a Latin inscription found on the eastern side of the market. (This is a new, improved reading of IEph 658). M. Cocceius Nerva (the great-grandfather of the emperor Nerva) was consul in 36 BCE (see PIR² C 1224).
The company (conventus) of Roman citizens engaged in business (negotiantur) in Ephesos set this up for M. Cocceius Nerva, consul.
Translation by: HarlandM. Cocceio [․. f. N]ervai cos. | conventus c. [R.] quei Ephesi | negotiantu[r].
Item added: January 28, 2013
Item modified: December 7, 2015
ID number: 10143
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