Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 82 BCE
IDelos 1698
= IDelosChoix 155
= PHI 64138
= AGRW ID# 21207
Two fragments of a circular base of gray-blue marble. Located southwest of the temple of Apollo in 1937 (inv. Ε 344). The honoree may be identified with the A. Terentius Varro who became governor of Asia in 78 or 77 BCE.
(Latin) Italians and Greeks who are engaged in business (negotiantur) on Delos set this up for A. Terentius Varro son of Aulus, legate.
(Greek) Italians and Greeks who are settled (katoikountes) . . . on Delos (?). . . set this up for Aulus Terentius Varro son of Aulus. . . legate (?). . . of the Romans.
Translation by: HarlandA. Terentiuṃ Ạ. f. Varro[nem legatum] | Italicei et Graecei quei Ḍelei negoti[antur]. | [Α]ὖλον Τερέντιον Αὔλου υἱὸν Οὐ[άρρωνα πρεσβευτὴν] | [Ῥ]ωμαίων, Ἰταλικοὶ καὶ Ἕλληνες οἱ κατ[οικοῦντες ἐν Δήλωι]
Item added: January 5, 2016
Item modified: February 4, 2016
ID number: 21207
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