Chios (Northern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 27 BCE-14 CE
Franz Studniczka, "Aus Chios," MDAI(A) 13 (1888) 160–201, at 169-70 (no. 10 a-b)
= Louis Robert, "Trois inscriptions de l’Archipel," REG (1929) 20–38, at 35-37
= IErythrai 74 (B only)
= PHI 246562
= AGRW ID# 10748
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1887
During Demochares’ time as crown-bearer, the shippers (nauklēroi) and the . . . workers (ergastai; or: contractors, ergolaboi) (?). . . of the harbor crown with a gold crown the protectors of foreigners (xenophylakes; i.e. civic magistrates that oversee toll-collecting [?]) who are in charge: Apollonides . . . son of Name . . ., Theodoros son of Philon, . . . and Sosigenes (?) son of Sosigenes, because of their . . . virtue.
B (lines 6-15 only)
The ferrymen (portheuontes) in Erythrai crown the protectors of foreigners who are in charge in the year of Decimus (i.e. the eponymous official): Aphrodisios son of Sarapion, Dionysios son of Seleukos, Parasios son of Heraiskos, because of his virtue towards them.
Translation by: HarlandA [ἐπὶ] πρυτάνεως [τοῦ] | [σ]τ̣εφανηφόρου Δ̣[ημο]|χάρους· οἱ ναύκληροι κ[αὶ οἱ] | ἐπὶ τοῦ λιμένος ἐργ[ασταὶ] {ἑργ[ολάβοι], Robert} || στεφανοῦσι ξενοφ[ύλακας] | τοὺς ἄρχοντας χρυ[σῶι στε]|φάνωι Ἀπολλωνίδην [․․c.7․․] | Θεόδωρον Φίλων[ος, Σωσι?]|γένην Σωσιγέν[ους ἀρετῆς] || ἕνεκεν.
B (lines 6-15 only)
οἱ πορθμεύοντες | εἰς Ἐρύθρας στεφα|νοῦσι τοὺς ξενοφύ|λακας τοὺς ἄρξαντας̣ | ἐν τῶι ἐπὶ Δέκμου ἐνι||αυτῶι Ἀφροδίσιον Σαρα|πίωνος, Διονύσιον Σε|λεύκου, Παράσιον Ἡρα|ΐσκου, ἀρετῆς ἕνεκεν | τ̣ῆς εἰς ἑατούς.
Item added: February 11, 2013
Item modified: March 18, 2021
ID number: 10748
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