Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 153-88 BCE
IDelos 1781
= PHI 64221
= AGRW ID# 21596
Copenhagen Inventory info: 9
(left column) . . . The association (koinon) of Berytian Poseidon-devotees (Poseidoniastai) consisting of merchants (emporoi), shippers (nauklēroi), and (?) . . . warehouse-workers (egdocheis) honored . . . Name, benefactor . . . on account of the goodwill which he continues to have towards the ancestral gods (?). (crown) The association.
(middle column) (crown) The association. (crown) The association.
(right column) The association (koinon) of Berytian Poseidon-devotees (Poseidoniastai) consisting of merchants (emporoi), shippers (nauklēroi), and (?) . . . warehouse-workers (egdocheis) honored . . . Name son of Diophantos. . . (remainder lost).
Translation by: Harland{middle column, line 1} {crown} | τὸ κοινόν. | vac. | {crown} || τὸ κοινόν.
{right column, line 1} τὸ κοινὸν Βηρ̣[υτί]ων Πο[σειδωνιαστῶν] | ἐμπ[όρων καὶ ναυκ]λήρων [καὶ ἐγδοχέων] | Ἀρ̣τ̣[— — —] Δι[ο]φάντ̣[ου] | Τ[— — —]σ̣ί̣ο̣υ Τ[— — — ]
Item added: January 19, 2016
Item modified: November 14, 2020
ID number: 21596
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