Ephesos area [Metropolis] (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), undated
IEph 3488
= PHI 252087
= AGRW ID# 9318
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1698
Found in the town of Metropolis (located northeast of Ephesos and southeast of Smyrna).
The associates (hetairoi) honored . . . Name, a noble and good man who lived in an appropriate way (?) . . .
Translation by: Harland[οἱ ἑταῖ]ροι ἐτίμησαν | [— —]ησίου | [ἄνδρα καλὸ]ν καὶ ἀγαθὸν | [— — βιώ]σαντα || [κοσμίως — —]
Item added: January 8, 2013
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 9318
Short link address:
Category: f) Ionia, Honorary inscription