Prusias by Hypios area [Dia] (Bithynia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), imperial era
Adak, Mustafa, N. Eda Akyürek Şahin, and Mustafa Yaşar Güneş, "Neue Inschriften im Museum von Bolu (Bithynion/Klaudiupolis)," Gephyra 5 (2011) 73–120, at 81-82 (no. 5)
= C. Brixhe, BE (2010), no. 560
= SEG 58 (2008), no. 1453
= AGRW ID# 16410
Copenhagen Inventory info: 778
Slab of white marble with a crown in relief near the top (34 x 20 x 7 cm; letter height: 1.5cm). Found 10 km east of Akçakoca at what was then the site of Dia, between Prusias and Herakleia Pontika. Now in the Bolu museum (ancient Claudiopolis). The group self-designation bennos is particular to northern Phrygia and nearby regions, in this case Bithynia. See also SEG 36 (1986), no. 1150 (= ID number 13282 on this site), involving a dedication of an altar to Zeus Bennios.
The association (bennos) which was founded by (?) Totrianos (?; or: Otrianos) crowned Menagoras son of Meiros with his wife Menophilas because of their love of glory.
Translation by: Harlandτὸ βέννος (relief of crown after the epsilon and before the nun) | ὃ Τοτρι̣ανος {τὸ Ὀτρ̣ιανός [?]; Brixhe} | στεφανοῖ Μη̣ναγό|ρ̣αν Μείρου μετὰ || [τῆ]ς̣ γυναικὸς Μη̣ν̣ο̣|[φίλ]α̣ς̣ ἕνεκ̣α φιλοδ̣ο̣[ξίας].
Item added: February 23, 2015
Item modified: September 22, 2020
ID number: 16410
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