Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Honors by an Association (bennos) for Menagoras (imperial era) Prusias by Hypios area [Dia] - Bithynia

Prusias by Hypios area [Dia] (Bithynia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), imperial era
Adak, Mustafa, N. Eda Akyürek Şahin, and Mustafa Yaşar Güneş, "Neue Inschriften im Museum von Bolu (Bithynion/Klaudiupolis)," Gephyra 5 (2011) 73–120, at 81-82 (no. 5) = C. Brixhe, BE (2010), no. 560 = SEG 58 (2008), no. 1453 = AGRW ID# 16410
Copenhagen Inventory info: 778


Slab of white marble with a crown in relief near the top (34 x 20 x 7 cm; letter height: 1.5cm). Found 10 km east of Akçakoca at what was then the site of Dia, between Prusias and Herakleia Pontika. Now in the Bolu museum (ancient Claudiopolis). The group self-designation bennos is particular to northern Phrygia and nearby regions, in this case Bithynia. See also SEG 36 (1986), no. 1150 (= ID number 13282 on this site), involving a dedication of an altar to Zeus Bennios.

The association (bennos) which was founded by (?) Totrianos (?; or: Otrianos) crowned Menagoras son of Meiros with his wife Menophilas because of their love of glory.

Translation by: Harland

τὸ βέννος (relief of crown after the epsilon and before the nun) | ὃ Τοτρι̣ανος {τὸ Ὀτρ̣ιανός [?]; Brixhe} | στεφανοῖ Μη̣ναγό|ρ̣αν Μείρου μετὰ || [τῆ]ς̣ γυναικὸς Μη̣ν̣ο̣|[φίλ]α̣ς̣ ἕνεκ̣α φιλοδ̣ο̣[ξίας].

Item added: February 23, 2015
Item modified: September 22, 2020
ID number: 16410
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