Philadelphia (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), after 212 CE
CIG 3422
= IGLAM 648
= IGR IV 1632 = Waltzing, no. 146
= AGRW ID# 12836
To good fortune! Aurelius Hermippos, leader of the athletes (xystarchēs), priest of Artemis, glorious friend of the homeland who is foremost in every respect, has served as high–priest in a glorious manner at great expense. With god–like beneficence, he has paid for a gladiatorial beast–hunt to the death in single pairs (i.e. a gladiator matched with a beast). He has led in the (10) highest leadership position in a brilliant manner and has accomplished other leadership positions and services (leitourgiai) on his own behalf and on behalf of his sons Neiketes and Hermippos. He has just recently dedicated 50000 denarii to the city’s funds for wheat and has given 10000 denarii towards the restoration of the awning of the theatre. Furthermore, he has made contributions of funds to: (20) the most sweet homeland for wheat in the amount of 500000 denarii; the most powerful Council in the amount of 50000 denarii; the most revered association (synedrion) of elders (gerousia) in the amount of 10000 denarii; and, the seven tribes (phylai) for setting up statues in the amount of 1000 denarii. The sacred tribe (phylē) of wool–workers (eriourgoi) honoured their own benefactor and the homeland’s (30) benefactor in everything.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: May 22, 2013
Item modified: December 3, 2015
ID number: 12836
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