Palmyra (Syria and Phoenicia, Greater Syria and the East — Pleiades map), 257/258 CE
IPalmyra 55
= Kaizer 2002b, 149-150
= PHI 306226
= AGRW ID# 10298
Console of limestone found in the north-eastern part of the tetrapylon in the area of the grand colonnade (45 x 44 x 55 cm). The term "symposium" seems to have been used for an "association" in Palmyra (see IPalmyra 59 on this site, involving α symposium of leather-workers). The meaning of ouannoi is not certain, but it seems likely that this is some occupation (see Kaizer 2002b) and some suggestions have been that these were "winnowers (from the Latin vanni) or "hydraulic workers" (see notes to IPalmyra 55).
The symposium (symposion) of the Ouannoi (winnowers, or hydraulic workers [?]) honored their patron Septimius Odainath, the most brilliant consul.
Translation by: Harland[Σεπτίμι]ον Ὀδαίναθο̣ν̣ | [τὸν] λ̣α̣μπρότατον | [ὑπ]ατικόν | [τὸ] συμπόσιον || [τῶν] Ου<α>ννων τὸν | [π]άτρωνα | ἔτους θξφʹ.
Item added: February 2, 2013
Item modified: March 1, 2016
ID number: 10298
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