Salamis island (Attica, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), 249/248 BCE
M.J. Osborne, "Five Hellenistic Decrees of the Salaminian Thiasotai of Bendis," ΗΟΡΟΣ 17–21 (2009-2004), 657-672, at 661 (no. 3)
= IG II² 1317b + addenda, p. 673
= PHI 3533
= AGRW ID# 22919
Copenhagen Inventory info: 270
When Hieron was civic leader (archon) and Charinos was priest, on the second of the month of Skirophorion in the regular assembly, it was resolved by the association (koinon):
Rhythmos proposed: Since the appointed supervisors (epimelētai) supervised the sacrifices and all the other things which concern the temple of Bendis, it was resolved by the association of society-members (thiasōtai = thiasitai) to praise them and to crown each of them, and the treasurer (tamias) is to allocate 15 drachmas. Receiving this, let the supervisors set it up in the temple of Bendis.
(Each in its own crown:)
The society-members honored Charinos the priest.
The society-members honored Nikarchos the supervisor.
The society-members honored Menon the supervisor.
The society-members honored Charinos the treasurer.
The society-members honored Nikias the supervisor.
The society-members honored Stratokles the secretary.
Translation by: Harland{column 1, beginning at line 13 in a crown} οἱ θιασῶται | Νίκαρχον || ἐπιμελητήν.
{column 2, beginning at line 10 in a crown} οἱ θιασῶται | Μένωνα | ἐπιμελητήν.
{column 2, beginning at line 13 in a crown} οἱ θιασῶται | Χαρῖνον || ταμίαν.
{column 3, beginning at line 10 in a crown} οἱ θιασῶται | Νικίαν | ἐπιμελητήν.
{column 3, beginning at line 13 in a crown} οἱ θιασῶται | Στρατοκλῆν || γραμματέα.
Item added: February 19, 2016
Item modified: April 6, 2020
ID number: 22919
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