Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Honors by a Society of Isis Devotees for Anubion (I BCE-I CE) Kios - Bithynia

Kios (Bithynia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), I BCE-I CE
AGRW 97 = GRA 101 = IKios 22 = RICIS 308/0301 = SIRIS 324 = PHI 277701 = AGRW ID# 60
Copenhagen Inventory info: 405


Discovered under a fountain on the road behind the modern market.

The society members (thiasōtai = thiasitai) honoured Anubion son of Nikostratos, who equipped the ship with three sets of oars (trireme) in a sacred and glory–loving manner, with two full–sized painted images and another painting.  They honoured the same Anubion, who was also benevolent, with a painted portrait image.  They honoured the same Anubion, who also served as monthly officer, (10) with a painted … image (?) … They honoured the same Anubion, who took on the Joyful (Charmosyna) festival of Isis in a sacred and glory–loving manner, with two life–sized painted images, with another painted image on a shield, with a stone slab (telamōn), and with a proclamation of these honours each month through the year (20) … during the Isis celebrations (?), during the other … festivals of the (?) … members of the society, and during the regular common assemblies (synodoi).

Translation by: Harland

ο[ἱ θιασῶται ἐτ]ίμ[ησαν] | Ἀνουβίωνα Νικοστράτου | τριηραρχήσαντα ἱεροπρεπῶς | καὶ φιλοδόξως εἰκόσιν γρα–||πταῖς τελείαις δυσὶν καὶ | ἄλληι γραπτῆι. | τὸν αὐτὸν Ἀνουβίωνα καὶ φιλα–|γαθήσαντα εἰκόνι γραπτῆ[ι]. | τὸν αὐτὸν Ἀνουβίωνα καὶ ἐπιμη–||νιεύσαντα [εἰκό]νι γραπτῆι. | τὸν αὐτὸν [Ἀ]ν[ου]βίωνα ἐγδεξάμε–|νον [τ]ὰ̣ Χα̣[ρ]μόσυνα τῆς Ἴσιδος | ἱε[ρο]πρεπῶς καὶ φιλοδόξως | εἰκόσιν γραπταῖς τελείαις || δυσὶν καὶ ἄλληι εἰκόνι γραπτῆι | ἐνόπλωι καὶ τελαμῶνι | λιθίνωι | [κ]αὶ ἐπικη[ρ]ύγμασιν κατὰ μῆν[α] | δι’ ἐνιαυτο[ῦ το]ύ[των τῶν τιμῶν] || ἐ[ν τοῖς Ἰσιεί]οι[ς] καὶ ἐν [ταῖς] | [ἄ]λλα[ις ἑορταῖς τῶ]ν θια[σωτῶν] | [κ]αὶ ἐν̣ [ταῖς τεταγ]μέναις [κοι]–|ναῖς συνόδοις.

Item added: November 3, 2011
Item modified: September 18, 2020
ID number: 60
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