Kios (Bithynia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), I BCE-I CE
AGRW 97 =
GRA 101 =
IKios 22
= RICIS 308/0301
= SIRIS 324
= PHI 277701
= AGRW ID# 60
Copenhagen Inventory info: 405
The society members (thiasōtai = thiasitai) honoured Anubion son of Nikostratos, who equipped the ship with three sets of oars (trireme) in a sacred and glory–loving manner, with two full–sized painted images and another painting. They honoured the same Anubion, who was also benevolent, with a painted portrait image. They honoured the same Anubion, who also served as monthly officer, (10) with a painted … image (?) … They honoured the same Anubion, who took on the Joyful (Charmosyna) festival of Isis in a sacred and glory–loving manner, with two life–sized painted images, with another painted image on a shield, with a stone slab (telamōn), and with a proclamation of these honours each month through the year (20) … during the Isis celebrations (?), during the other … festivals of the (?) … members of the society, and during the regular common assemblies (synodoi).
Translation by: HarlandItem added: November 3, 2011
Item modified: September 18, 2020
ID number: 60
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