Kition on Cyprus island (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 200 BCE
IKitionY 2019
= SEG 39 (1989), no. 1526
= PHI 311271
= AGRW ID# 20450
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1487
To good fortune. The society (thiasos) of the Soanteians (Soanteioi) of Artemis honored Timokrates son of Stasioikos, his wife Timagion, his daughter Timis, his daughter Aristion, his sons Stasioikos, Boiskos, Aristokreon, Aristarches, Stasioikos’ son Timokrates, his daughter Karion, and Boiskos’ son Timokrates because of the goodwill which he has towards them.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: December 16, 2015
Item modified: December 18, 2020
ID number: 20450
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