Kios (Bithynia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), undated
IKios 20
= CIG 3727
= PHI 277699
= AGRW ID# 13275
Copenhagen Inventory info: 185
Found at Kios, now lost.
Those gathered (synagomenoi) together in the society (thiasos) of the Mother of the gods crowned with an olive crown Marcus Caecilius Tyrakios as a thanksgiving for everything he did for the society.
Translation by: Harlandοἱ <σ>υ<ν>α̣<γ>όμενοι [εἰς] | τὸν μητρῳ̣<ακ>ὸν θ̣<ία>σον̣ | <ἐλ>α<ίᾳ> στεφανοῦσιμ | Μᾶρκον Καικίλιον Τυράκι[ον(?)] || εὐχάριστον γενόμενον [κα]|τὰ πάντα τῷ θιάσῳ.
Item added: June 21, 2013
Item modified: September 18, 2020
ID number: 13275
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