Saittai area [Iaza] (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), undated
TAM V 483a
= ILydiaHoz 63.30
= PHI 263904
= AGRW ID# 967
Copenhagen Inventory info: 877
. . . (one line missing) . . . having sympathy . . . of the homeland . . . with gold crowns. The sacred association (doumos) honored Glykon Marcus son of Apollonios with a gold crown. His Mother Ammias, his wife Ammias, and his sons Asklepiades, Menophilos and Lucius honored him with gold crowns. His brothers Apollonios and Asklepiades, Diodote and his brother-in-law Apphias, and his uncle Marcus honored him with gold crowns. The priest Glykon honored the fellow sacred-slave (synierodoulos) with a gold crown. Glykon son of Terikometes honored the friend (philos) with a gold crown. Philoxenos son of Demainetos and Gaius, his brother, honored the fellow association-member (or: partner; synbiōtēs) with a gold crown. Trophimos son of Metras honored the fellow tribe member (or: relative; syngenē) with a gold crown. Grapte and Trophimos who raised him (or: whom he raised ?) honored him with a gold crown.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: November 30, 2011
Item modified: October 18, 2020
ID number: 967
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