Akmoneia (Phrygia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 6/7 CE
= P. Thonemann, "The Women of Akmoneia," JRS 100 (2010) 163-178
= SEG 60 (2010), no. 1423
= AGRW ID# 23332
Slab of white marble with pilasters on the sides and tenon below (212 x 66 x 19-21 cm; letter height: 1.8-2.5 cm). The precise nature of this group of women is not known, but it is included here as an example of women forming a group (whether more temporary or ongoing) to honor a cultic functionary. The reference to Tatia being a benefactor "at every opportunity" may point to an ongoing existence for the group. Male Roman settlers regularly formed associations, and this group seems to correspond to that tendency, combining the wives of Roman settlers and Greeks. Corporate bodies (politeumata) of women which engaged in banqueting and other activities are attested elsewhere, as at Lagina and Panamara (search those locales on this site for further relevant inscriptions). Some groups devoted to the god Dionysos (maenads) consisted solely of women as well. More commonly attested than solely female groups were associations that included both male and female members.
. . . To good fortune (?) . . . the women, both Greek and Roman, honored Tatia, also called Tryphosa–daughter of Menokritos and wife of Menodotos, who is also called Sillon, son of Menelaos–the high-priestess (archiiereia) who acted as their benefactor at every opportunity because of her virtue. Krates, who is also called Menelaos, son of Menokritos, Publius Petronius Epigenes, and Menokritos son of Agathokles supervised this. Year 91 (of the Sullan era).
Translation by: Harland
[ἀγαθῇ τύχῃ· αἱ γυ]|ναῖκες Ἑλληνί|δες τε καὶ Ῥωμαῖ|αι ἐτείμησαν Τα|τίαν Μηνοκρίτου || τὴν καὶ Τρυφῶσαν | γυναῖκα δὲ Μηνο|δότου Μενελάου | τοῦ καὶ Σίλλωνος | τὴν ἀρχιιέρηαν εὐ||v. εργέτιν ἐμ παν|τὶ καιρῷ γενηθεῖ|σαν αὐτῶν πάσ|ης ἀρετῆς ἕνε|κεν. vac. || τὴν ἐπιμέληαν | ποιησαμένου Κρά|τητος Μηνοκρίτου | τοῦ καὶ Μενελάου καὶ | Ποπλίου Πετρω||νίου Ἐπιγένους | καὶ Μηνοκρίτου | Ἀγαθοκλέως. | ἔτους v. α v. ϙ´.

Photo from the MAMA site.
Used under a Creative Commons license.

MAMA XI 99 (facsimile).
From the MAMA site.
Used under a Creative Commons license.
Item added: February 28, 2016
Item modified: March 1, 2016
ID number: 23332
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